Malvern Hills branch MMOC

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Welcome to the Home of the Malvern Hills Branch of the Morris Minor Owners Club
with Members in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Spain and Australia(!)

Dates for the Diary for 2024

Branch News

    Sunday 12th May 

    Malvern Hills Branch Rally at Arley Arboretum, From 10 at Arley Arbouretum.


    Thursday 13th June 

    Change of venue, we are meeting for a talk by the Morgan Sports Car Club postponed from last September. This will be at Drum and Monkey, Newbridge Green, Upton WR8 0QP at 8pm.


    Weekend of the 29th to 30th 12th June 

    MMOC National Rally at Gaydon, see MMOC website for details.


    Thursday 11th July 

    Change of venue, we are planning to have our annual bar b que, just confiming details at the moment.


    Saturday 13th July 

    Ombersley Car Show where a few branch members are booked in, get there before 11 to get parked up. For enquiries Email Rob on :


    We intend to arrange "Malvern Hills Branch go to..." events which will be adverised on the website and via email.

    Also for info on other Morris Minor Club events See


Kate has agreed to be the Newsletter editor,which will be emailed or posted out to branch members.

Our 2024 Branch Rally was held at Arley Arboretum on Sunday 12th May . Click here for a link to Arley Arboretum. For the location of the Rally site click here for a downloadable map. A great turn out with over 50 cars attending with lovely weather. Click here for the link to the Rally info and photos.

Our 2023 Branch Rally was held at Hanbury Hall on Sunday 21st May . Click here for a link to Hanbury Hall. For the location of the Rally site click here for a downloadable map. A great turn out with over 60 cars attending. Click here for the link to the Rally info and photos.

The catalogue of Branch Regalia has now been added to the website, though is a bit out of date. No online ordering we're afraid, But ask when you see us and we will try and work out what we have.

Any Branch Member who can receive their monthly Newsletter by email rather than by post (which helps us keep costs down and produce a bigger, better Newsletter) should click here.

If you have any feedback about this website, wish to submit photos, or make suggestions for items you would like to see on the website, then please email the webmaster.

If you want to submit an article for the monthly Branch Newsletter then please email the editor.

Branch Meetings

National Club News

The Malvern Hills Branch of the Morris Minor Owners Club meet at various locations, please see the web page for more details on the second Thursday of the month at 8:00 pm in March through to September, and on the second Saturday of the month at 12:00 noon in November, January and February. The AGM is held as part of Octobers meeting and the December meeting is replaced by a Christmas meal.

To cover costs we have a subcription of £10.00, but with a reduction to £5 for those members who receive their newsletter by e-mail, at the renewal date of 1st March. New members can come along to see what we are like, but after three meetings we would expect them to join. Click here for the Malvern Hills Branch of the MMOC application form.

The Malvern Hills MMOC is a branch of the national
Morris Minor Owners Club

A diary of events for the MMOC can be found here

   Site last updated: 10th May 2024

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